The Dragon and The Lizard has been a long time project. With doubts and fears along the way. But it’s finally done. And it’s surreal.
The story of The Dragon and The Lizard is one of my favourite as a child. We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up so books weren’t a regular in our household. But Mama is a full storage of tales and she used to tell us this one story over and over again. It was on repeat because it was our favourite tale. Mama said our grandparents used to tell them tales in instalment basis, each instalment with a corresponding chore to finish (e.g. farming, cleaning, cooking, chopping wood, separating rice grains etc). Knowing this just emphasises how affluent our kids are eh?
But I digress.
I initially wanted to just print five copies, just for the family and some friends. But being part of this community of bloggers opened up something else for me. Thanks to Brenda for introducing me to this community during the ABC conference and showing me that the possibilities are endless in this blogging world. It’s been a great experience.
So I took a risk and approached some companies to see if they’d want to be a part of this little project. KleenexMums jumped in and helped with the initial printing of the copies. Melissa has been a gem to work with, amazing!
Thank you to the bloggers who have extended their help with my book too. I’ve had an amazing response to this. Mind blowing really. Even the ones who couldn’t do it on their blogs extended their help. Amazing people you guys.
And if any of you want to pick my brain on how you can do something similar for your books, let me know. I’d be more than happy to help.
Thank you to:
Glowless from Where’s My Glow?
Tina from Tina Gray dot me
Eden from Edenriley
Allison from Life in Pink Fibro
Trish from My Little Drummer boys
Zoey from Good googs
Megan from Writing out Loud
Bron from Maxabella
Mrs W from Woogsworld
Kym from Mummas Minimes
Nicole Avery from Planning with Kids
Lori from RRSAHM
Jackie from My Little Bookcase
Angela from Bug in a book
Sarah from Ah the Possibilities
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