There are many lessons to an author’s path to publication. Getting published is a big thing for writers, we all know that.
But the path to publication is daunting, filled with many hurdles. We need all the help we can get. Mine was just as hard and it took a long time before I got published. But every time I tried, I learned something new.
So here are the things I will always remember from this process. Hopefully, it will help someone else too.
Writing is a marathon
Doing 20 minutes a day can create a whole novel without overwhelming you. If your life is very busy, give up 20 minutes to do writing. Maybe skip social media or cut back on TV watching. I worked on my novel while I was on a full freelance writing schedule and raising a toddler. It can be done.
Good editors and assessors are angels
I had my manuscript assessed and I also hired an editor. They didn’t just help with my manuscript, they also helped me grow as a writer. It may be expensive but you can put away some money to save up for it. Give something up – a handbag, a pair of shoes. Treat it like a layby and eventually, you’ll have the money to get your manuscript assessed.
Listen only to those who matter
I had some disheartening feedback about my manuscript and I was so down I didn’t want to do it anymore. But the professional advice I got was very encouraging and put me back on track. Open your ears to constructive criticisms and just ignore the rest of the noise.
Just keep at it
So simple isn’t it? But it’s so true especially during trying times. It is a marathon, you need to pace yourself. If you look at it like a giant project, you’ll get too overwhelmed and give up. Bit by bit will get you there too.
Keep learning
When I decided to work seriously on my fiction writing, I took courses, joined organisations, went to events so I could learn as much as I could. Although I’ve been a writer/journalist for over 14 years, I still update my skills by taking courses and learning from other writers. Never stop educating yourself.
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