Waiting for publisher feedback is exhausting and stressful. Most of the time, you don’t hear back from them, or you get that dreaded rejection letter. But waiting for feedback doesn’t have to be wasted time. Here are some things you can do while waiting:
Do research for future projects. Interview people, Google things, visit museums that relate to your work, join writing groups and ask for help. Use this time to continue other projects. If you’re writing something historical then pour your energy into research rather than sitting around waiting. It’s more productive that way.
Write again
Move on to that next project you have in mind. Use that waiting time for something good instead of moping around being a ball of stress. It’s not helpful. Plot your next novel or maybe write a short story. Just keep writing. Even if there is nothing in your head, write a blog post or a journal entry.
Do something creative
Doing something creative helps with pushing creative juices out. Anything will do. Crocheting, drawing, colouring, cooking, even gardening. Put on your favourite playlist and listen to music, or go dancing. Tinkering with other activities also helps relax you, open your mind to ideas. Find something you love doing and relax.
Keep learning by attending conferences and writing events. Or if you have a writing group then go to meetings and help with other writers’ work. Take courses online or in writing centres. It doesn’t hurt finding ways to improve your writing. Try learning how to edit your own work as well. It will help you in the long run.
Enjoy other people’s work. I find that reading not only helps me relax but teaches me about other people’s styles as well. Most of the time, reading a book gives me ideas about a future project. Use this time to read writing books as well. There are plenty out there. I highly recommend Stephen King’s On Writing and Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.
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