The Girl Between Light and Dark
If you’ve been following my social media channels, you’d know I’ve been shouting about the cover of my second novel, The Girl Between Light and Dark.
I can’t thank the readers enough for their support. The news had been shared and celebrated so many times that it has blown me away. Thank you so much for being so excited about it as much as I am.
Not that easy
The journey to the publication of the second book had not been an easy one. You always question whether you still had it in you to write a second novel. I don’t know about other authors, but I was apprehensive about the whole thing.
Could I give the readers a satisfying book two after all the noise I made about book one? Have I edited it enough? Have I covered all the questions raised? Do I need another cup of coffee?
As much as I’d like to say I write these things with confidence, it isn’t always the case. Each book comes with a big dose of self-doubt and questioning. If not for the amazing encouragement I get from the readers and my peers, I would’ve taken much much longer to finish my projects.
Ugly babies
It’s like birthing a baby, this writing process. They come out of you and you love the baby so much but then complete strangers tell you that your baby is ugly. It’s heartbreaking and can also fill you with murderous rage. Not a pleasant feeling this murderous rage.
That’s why when I say thank you to your posts on social media and let you know how much I appreciate it, it’s because I do. You always hope that others like the creation you released out there in the world.
I hope that I continue to give you this joy in the years to come. That’s the plan anyway.
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